
Here is a preview of just some of the great features we offer.

Award Interpretation

Compliance confidence Modern awards are set by Fair Work and provide pay rates and conditions of employment such as leave, overtime, and shift work entitlements. Award Payroll offers an extensive list of pre-built modern awards ready to go so you can be compliant in payroll. Our modern awards are also kept up to date, so you can feel confident that your award calculations comply with Fair Work.

Rostering made easy

Our intuitive roster generator makes building rosters second nature. Create shifts based on your business' standard working day, drag and copy shifts, and replicate rosters in a few clicks. Unavailability's of employees are displayed clearly to eliminate rostering errors. What's more, with our automated award interpretation and costed rosters, you will always have full visibility and control of your projected wage costs and budgets.

Increased accessibility

Once a roster is created, employees can be notified of their scheduled shifts in three ways: text, email, or push notifications to our employee mobile app - Swag. You can even give employees the option to accept, swap, decline, or bid for open shifts in the app. Rosters have never been more accessible and convenient for employees and managers.

Shift swapping

Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can prevent an employee from working a shift that was assigned to them, and you have to look for a replacement. Here at Award Payroll, we're all about working smarter, which is why we have shift swapping available to alleviate your workload. Allow employees to swap shifts with other eligible employees only available at the relevant location, giving you certainty that your wages, costs and roster budget are maintained.

Shift bidding

Do you have new shifts that are unassigned? Let shift bidding fill it for you! Employees can be sent a notification to Swag on an available shift,  and are given the option of accepting or declining a bidding shift. You can even set up unique groups of employees that will receive these unassigned shifts first, before opening it up to everyone else.

Time  & Attendance

Do you have all employees under one roof? Employees can easily clock in/out onsite on Award Payroll's iPad app - Clock Me In. Do you have employees on the go? Employees can enter their timesheets on Award Payroll's mobile app - Swag, or, through the Employee Portal for manager approval. Managers can then review timesheets before Award Payroll processes your pay run.

Single Touch Payroll

The ATO's Single Touch Payroll (STP) is designed to help you with your business's overall reporting, not add to it. So don't let STP slow you down from accomplishing all of your payroll tasks. Endorsed by the ATO as a compliant STP reporting software option, you will send your Single Touch Payroll report to the ATO each and every pay run with a simple click of a button.

Employee Portal

Leave management. Employees can easily update their unavailability and request leave from the employee portal - which automatically notifies their manager for approval. Employees can even view their colleagues' leave dates in a handy leave calendar.
Even document storage and acknowlegment for policies and procedures.


Employees can manually log and edit timesheets in the employee portal, automatically notifying managers for approval. Managers can view, edit or reject timesheets without having to leave the system. Compare timesheets with roster for easy tracking of variations.

Timesheet management has never been easier.


Communicating employees rosters is easy with the employee portal. Share up to date rosters with employees on the employee portal, who have a real time view in case any changes need to be made. Reduce time spent re-organising rosters and replacing shifts, with employee shift bidding and shift swapping.

Swag  App

Employees can view their personal, emergency contact, banking, payslips, and super fund details via the Swag app. No need to call, email, or even log into a computer. Employees can submit leave requests, automatically notifying managers to view, edit, decline, approve, or cancel the submission. The whole process is managed via the app - goodbye paper forms and emailing back and forth! Reduce rostering inefficiencies when assigning shifts by allowing employees to set unavailability from their phone, automatically notifying managers. Managers can also edit/delete unavailability on behalf of staff, automatically notifying them of the change. Staff can create and/or amend a timesheet directly in Swag.  Employees can view, accept, or decline shifts wherever they are. They can also swap or bid for shifts straight from the app. Managers also have visibility of the roster from Swag, enabling them to see unassigned and bidding shifts, employee unavailability, and approved leave.


Seamless integration connects to your accounting platform in the cloud.
What makes Award Payroll exceptional is its flexibility. Whether managers are looking for a pure payroll platform, or a more complete business software solution, Award Payroll offers the flexibility to integrate into numerous industry-leading accounting software packages to meet your needs.